Union of Union
Join the Union of Union Session TBA
Join the Union of Union Session TBA
Join the SMBC family as we honor and recognize High School and College student graduation.
Join the SMBC Family for Zoom Vacation Bible School. 7-8 pm nightly
The General Baptist State Convention supports the Central Children's Home in Oxford, NC. The SMBC church family travel annually to support the Central Children's Home fun day. There is a parade downtown at 9:00 am followed by food and fun with venders from across the state immediately following the parade.
Happy Fathers Day to all fathers.
Join the SMBC Family and community for another food truck give-a-way 9-12
Celebrate with Family & Friends at Savannah MBC. Service starts at 11:30 am
Join the SMBC Homecoming Committee for a Pack the Pew worship service. Ladies wear your hats and wear them with an attitude.