Stewardship Month

February is Stewardship month. You are asked to be one of Obadiah's 100 by contributing $100 in addition to normal contributions during the month of February. It can be given […]

40 Day Lent Fast

Join the SMBC family in fasting and praying for 40 days. To request a fast schedule and guidelines please contact church secretary at (910) 323-1962 The fast will start 9 […]

UMBA Mid Annual Session

Join Moderator Dr. Terrence McCrimmon and the Union Missionary Baptist Association for the  Mid Annual Session TBA

Pastor 20th Anniversary Banquet

Join the Savannah Missionary Baptist Church to celebrate Dr. Mark & Beverly Rowden 20th Anniversary Banquet. For ticket information contact the church secretary at (910) 323-1962

Pastoral 20th Anniversary

Join the Savannah Missionary Baptist Church to celebrate Dr. Mark & Beverly Rowden 20 years of service to the body of Christ. Sunday 3 April 11:00 am  and Afternoon Service […]

As-One Unity Weekend

Join the As-One Prayer Ministry Downtown for the annual Prayer Walk & Festivities as pastors from all over the city will pray for the city at specific locations around downtown

Sunrise Service

Join the SMBC Church family along with Greater First Baptist Church & China Grove MBC for a joint Sunrise Service at Savannah MBC at 7:00 am Breakfast will be served.

GBSC Mid Annual Session

Join President Leonzo Lynch and the General Baptist State Convention for its virtual Mid Annual Session